
How long does it take to get indexed by search engines?

This is short blog post about my experience with getting site indexed by search engines. I have purchased domain name couple of months ago. Domain was parked with registrar for some time. As a parked domain those are usually not indexed by search engines because there is not real content for the page, just some advertisement links.

As a "New Year Resolution" for 2011 I have decided to finally develop my personal brand website. I have published basic Drupal 7 site on January 11th, 2011 - see my first blog post.

Drupal 7 installation - Default Modules

Today I'm going to have a look at list of default modules installed by Drupal 7. List of modules is available from main top navigation, click on "Modules" link.

There are in total 44 default modules right after D7 installation. All of those modules are in CORE section. Drupal 6 uses "Core Mandatory" and "Core Optional" sections. There were less core modules in D6.

After D7 installation 29 modules were enabled by default. Here is the list of them:

Drupal 7 installation - Successful Story

In previous blog post I've mentioned that I have issues installing Drupal 7. After informing my hosting provider I was able to install Drupal 7.0 using MySQL without any problem.

Drupal 7 installation - SQLite DB only

Friendly and powerful Drupal 7 has been release in January 2011. Drupal community is proud to present their best work yet - Drupal 7, the friendly and powerful content management platform for building nearly any kind of website: from blogs and micro-sites to collaborative social communities.

First Blog Post

Welcome to This is my first testing blog post. I was thinking to set up my personal site for couple of years now. It looks like 2011 is the right year to do so. And today is 2011/01/11 or 01/11/11, depends on what kind of date format you would like to use. Just in case you do not know much about me I would like to inform you that English is my second language so some of my writing can be little bit off.


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